

Re: New Page Permissions Functionality

posts: 3665 United States

You could use the "Force Categorization" option (in 1.10)...

  1. Create a category (e.g., "SECURE") and give only Employees access to it.
  2. When an employee creates a new page, they'll be required to select a category.

Not perfect, but at least the Employee will be prompted to select a category. You could even customize the TPL to make it more explicit that they need to select the correct category.

There's also a "staging" function in 1.10, but I'm not familiar enough to know if it can be adapted to your use.


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posts: 4

Hi Rick...

Thanks for the suggestion... I've created categories as suggested but I can't seem to determine how to "force" a page to be categorized. I see the checkbox to categorize the page, but from your description, it seems like there must be a global setting to force this action to be required. Where is that located?

