Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Image layout with different monitor sizes..

posts: 4656 Japan

Heh. The problem is that they do recognize the overflow:hidden property. That's why they hide what overflows. wink If you specify a width for a div, and overflow:hidden, naturally what goes beyond the width gets hidden. I'm not sure why Firefox wraps the line of images to keep them in the div, when there's no tag or anything to tell it to.

The siteheader div height can be set like div.siteheader (height: 100px) (or whatever the size is. Then don't use the image as a logo any more, so it doesn't cause the wide window. If you want the "logo" (which will actually be the background image) to still be a link to home, you can make a transparent gif that is the size of the logo text and indicate it as the Site Identity logo.

-- Gary

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