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Features / Usability

Re: Help with DynamicDrive javascript

posts: 3665 United States
  • For the portion of the script that needs to be in the HEAD section, you'll need to manually edit the header.tpl template.
    NOTE: Do not use Tiki's internal template editor — it will strip out all of the SCRIPT elements.

  • For the portion the actual page, you'll need to use the JS plugin:
    Copy to clipboard
    {JS()} //new rsspausescroller(RSS_id, divId, divClass, delay, linktarget, optionalswitch) //1) RSS_id: "Array key of RSS feed in scrollerbridge.php script" //2) divId: "ID of DIV to display ticker in. DIV is dynamically created" //3) divClass: "Class name of this ticker, for styling purposes" //4) delay: delay between message change, in milliseconds //5) linktarget: Target of links inside RSS feed. Set to "" for current page. //6) optionalswitch: "optional arbitrary" string to create additional logic for formatrssmessage() to use. // By default, optionalswitch supports "date", or "date+description" to also show these parts of a RSS feed. new rsspausescroller("cnn", "pscroller1", "rssclass", 3000, "_new") document.write("") //add a divider for demo new rsspausescroller("dynamicdrive", "pscroller2", "rssclass", 3000, "", "date+description") {JS}


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