Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Show Module based upon name of Wiki Page

posts: 3665 United States

I am familiar with displaying modules to various groups based upon permissions, but is there a way to display a module based upon the wiki page name in the middle column?

Not directly, that I'm aware of. You could always modify the TPLs, explicitly checking for each branch...

Copy to clipboard
{if $page eq 'myrtlecreek'} {include file=myrtlecreeksearch} {/if}

But, IMHO, an easier/better solution would be to add a droplist to your Search the Library System Catalog module (by updating the form that you use) to allow users to select a specific branch to search.

In my experience, I've found that having multiple search forms (for example, you have 3 on The Riddle Branch page) overwhelms and confuses most visitors. Just my $0.02 USD.


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