

Re: feature suggestion: uneditable area on a wiki page

posts: 3665 United States

You can sort of accomplish this by using the Include plugin:

  1. Create Page A and make it editable by Registered users.
  2. Create Page B and make it viewable by Registered users, but editable by Administrators. Or you could "lock" the page.
  3. Include Page B inside Page A.

When a Registered user views Page A, they'll see the Page B content. But, when they edit Page A, they'll only see the Page A content + the {INCLUDE...} plugin — they won't be able to actually edit any of the Page B content.


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posts: 12

Revisiting an old post.

Page A will be editable by Registered users and the {INCLUDE..} statement will also be visible and also open for editing / deletion etc.

How do you prevent changes to the {INCLUDE...} statement?

