Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: How do I change the name "Categories" to something more appropriate for my website?

posts: 4656 Japan

One advantage of using the custom language file, apart from the process itself being pretty easy, is that it isn't touched by site upgrades. If you modify a template file, then upgrade your site with a new Tiki release, the file will probably be overwritten and you'd have to modify it again.

Also, language files change every instance of the translated term (everywhere it is used in templates, etc. inside "translate tags") so will be automatically changed in menus, etc.

Well, veevee, this gets into the grey area between free advice and billable time wink but, since it's so small, if you let me know through pm or email (gary at tikiwiki dot org) what terms you want to use at your site, I'll make the custom.php file and send it you.

-- Gary

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