

Re: Eatlon for 4.0?


My apology, I just sent an email (with my personal account to you Eatlon letting you know that your "sample page" is infected.

Here is the email I sent:


Title: Your site


My name is Daniel. I'm a volunteer for tikiwiki.org

and found that your theme is appearing in the list of possible downloads. The problem is that when we go to your page, we get an "infected" domain alert.

Here is where we see your theme: h ttp://themes.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php

Then, if you go to: http://themes.tikiwiki.org/Eatlon

you will see on this page that the link leading to your web site:

" You can see the original here (cache). "

Where "here" links to the above mentionned.

leads to an infected page When we click on "here"

Sir/Madam, the cache is fine. See:


Can we trouble you to repair the probable virus dectected.

The tikiwiki.org is now working on v4 going fast toward v5 and the theme you submitted is not up to date.

Please advise when you will have corrected the situation else in one week (unless you write to us indicating you will correct the situation but need more time) we will remove your theme from one of the available theme on tikiwiki.org.


Daniel Gauthier


and I c.c.'d your guys on this.

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