Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

How to get profile behind firewall

posts: 1

Hi, I have Tikiwiki installed on XP with IIS and mySQL. The install was more-or-less straightforward but I am stuck on how to use a profile. I am behind a firewall so the default repository did not work. My attempted solution was to create a profiles folder in the Tikiwiki folder and save a profile there (I exported it from the web page for that profile). I did that and in the Admin/Profiles/Advanced I set the repository to 'http://localhost/tiki/profiles'. Then in the 'Apply Profiles' tab I could see that it showed the repository name as only 'http://localhost/tiki/' and showed no profiles to choose. The status shows a little grayed circle with an x in it. I tried setting the repository to 'http://localhost/tiki/profiles/abc' and then it showed up correctly in the 'Apply Profiles' tab, but still nothing to choose from.

So something is messed up, not sure if I can do something else or if it is a bug.

Do the profiles have to have a specific windows suffix? Like .prof or something.

Thanks for your help,
