Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Variables in Pretty Tracker

posts: 27 United States
The Full
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{TRACKER(trackerId="4" fields="42:44:45:46:47:48:49:50:51:52:53:54" action="Enter Yard" showmandatory="y" view="page")}Yard Info Entered!{TRACKER} {TRACKERFILTER(trackerId=4,filters=42/t:44/t:45/t:46/t, fields=44:45:46 action="Search Yards" showlinks="y")}This is the result{TRACKERFILTER} {trackerlist trackerId="4" fields="44:45:46" sort="y" showlinks="y" sort_mode="created_desc" max="5" showpagination="y"} }

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{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=4, view=page, max=-1, wiki=Yard Info Data Template)}{TRACKERLIST} }

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{TRACKERLIST(trackerId=4, view=page, max=-1, wiki=Yard Info Data Template)}{TRACKERLIST} }

So, in a nutshell the first deal takes a page and creates the option to enter, search, edit and list all trackers. The rest of it is actually the guts of it. Luci coded this up and then I refined the parameters.

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