Features / Usability

Features / Usability

new to tikiwiki

posts: 2

dear all.

i'm new to tikiwiki. i have a background in website development but not tikiwiki.

i've been asked by a tikiwiki site owner to add some meta descriptions and meta keywords to each of the pages.

I found http://doc.tikiwiki.org/Meta+Tags?bl=y which instructs me to use my Meta Tag Icon in my Admin Panel. But my Admin panel doesn't have one.

Perhaps then I have an old version of Tiki?

So I headed over to thedomain.com/tiki/tiki-admin.php?page=general to check my version but cannot find it there!

Can anybody point me in the right direction for either of the above. Many Thanks.

posts: 2

thanks for getting back xavi.

this sounds very silly but when I look for the version on mydomain.com/tiki/tiki-admin.php?page=general I cannot see it there.

could you guide me to where on the page it is?

thanks for your patience.

posts: 1817 Catalan Countries

no idea myself (I think that old versions didn't show it easily). You could check at the date of the files in the server. OR compare screenshots at doc.tw.o/documentation - admin panel ("admin home"), for instance - with your installation.

Whatever version, grab a copy of the db and do a test upgrade in your localhost, etc.