

Re: displaying a login disclaimer

posts: 3665 United States

>When people go to register or login, I want them to see
>"you must use your school email address as your login"
>What code do I change to make this happen?

There are several different ways you could do this..

  • You could edit the registration template (TPL) file to add the disclaimer.
  • You could create a user module with this information, then configure the module to appear only for the registration page
  • You could add this in the custom center column area, again configuring it to appear only on the registration page.

I'm sure there are other ways to accomplish this, too...

>Also, if I wanted to restrict registration only to
>people using a ".edu" email address

You could enable the Use email as username option, then use the Username pattern option to require that the email address ends in .edu. See the docs for details.


- Rick | My Tiki Blog | My Tiki UserPage
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