Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Number of Files in an Installation

posts: 4656 Japan

In my opinion, your host company shouldn't offer Tiki if they aren't prepared to accept the number of files in a Tiki installation. I don't think there is any reasonable way to significantly reduce the number of files; things have been added to Tiki with the premise that disk space is cheap and there's no particular file number limit at the server. So, for example, you get a bunch of external (not Tiki native) packages like the Zend framework and ezcomponents, jQuery, ckeditor, HTMLpurifier and so on in addition to the tons of native files that enable Tiki's functionality.

If you knew exactly what files are needed for the specific features you want to use, you could probably delete the others, but it would be pretty hard even for someone familiar with the code to sort these all out. I don't know of anything that can be dumped en masse, like a particular file directory, since probably everything is used at least a little or from time to time.

Really, the easiest solution is probably to switch to a host that doesn't have this unusual file number limitation.

I just noticed that you said you're running two Tiki installations. It's possible that you could just use one installation, and use the multi-domain and Perspectives features to have the appearance of two sites (depending on how they function, etc.). But these features aren't well documented yet and so could be tricky to set up.

-- Gary

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