Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: How can I add a slildeshow in a wiki page

posts: 4656 Japan

There's some syntax you can use with the IMG tag for a kind of manual slideshow. See http://zukakakina.com/Shadowbox_gallery. I'm not sure what might have been added to the IMG tag since that page was made (the top image doesn't open correctly due to some syntax change apparently).

Also there's the Infinite Carousel, a jQuery slideshow that's part of the Tiki package. See http://themes.tiki.org/Infinite_carousel. Other jQuery slideshows could be used in basically the same way. You just have to add their specific javascript and use the right CSS in the page, following the pattern described in the Infinite Carousel directions.

One example is JShowOff, another jQuery script that is running at http://vacommunity.org (top of front page). I'm hoping to do a docs page for this one too.

I'm sure there are other ways, maybe some that don't need extra scripts.

-- Gary

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