

Aw: Where does HomePage come from?

posts: 24 Germany

Hi Heil,

If you enter http://www.neilsheffield.us/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage in you browser, the page shows. So the page "HomePage" exists.

Did you turn off sefurl after creating the page? Try to re-add the links or turn on sefurl.


ghotiman wrote:

I am brand new to TikiWiki, and I'm putting together a web site. The program looks wonderful, and I'm looking forward to learning everything. But I keep having a problem that I can't figure out.
When I first install everything, the homepage is /tiki-index.php. But after I change a few Admin things, and then click Home on the left, it goes to /HomePage.
This keeps happening, even though I think I'm doing different things. Do you know where this is coming from?
(This is on my page, because I don't want to show it to everyone until it looks great. Hence the boring URL.)
url: www.neilsheffield.us
url that works: www.neilsheffield.us/tiki-index.php
TikiWiki 6.2

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