Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Spaces...

posts: 4656 Japan

Oops, I'm sorry, I meant to delete my post. I just posted it to test the plus signs. According to the wiki edit help box, plus signs produce indentation, but apparently that information is incomplete. The wiki parser has been going through some heavy modifications in the last few releases so maybe this has changed or isn't working currently. I was experimenting, using the syntax to indent text in list items.

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* Item One This text isn't indented. * Item Two + This time the text is indented.

  • Item One

This text isn't indented.

  • Item Two
    This time the text is indented.

But this doesn't work outside of lists.

Well, if you have "Enable HTML" turned on for wiki editing, you can use HTML syntax to do it.

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& nbsp;& nbsp;& nbsp;&n bsp;Four spaces indented.

    Four spaces indented.

(I put spaces in the syntax so it would be visible; normally there are no spaces.) I assume you're aware that HTML itself strips away multiple spaces if you input more than one in a row, so this syntax is needed for that effect.

-- Gary - ZukaThemes

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