Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: I have error in admin panel

posts: 1563 Germany

Hello Beata,

maybe you have no Modules active in the Header - no Logo, no Sitetitle, nothing else.

If you then have set "top module area only visible if module" in admin -> look and feel, then no header will be shown for Anonymous.

Default setting is that the quickadmin module is active in the header.

So if you are logged in as Admin you will see the empty header with the quickadmin, as your second screenshot shows us (given that you configured your Tiki in the above way).

You could go to example.com/tiki-admin_modules.php and make a screenshot of the assigned modules in the top module area.
Please replace example.com with your actual domain.

Please provide us with the screenshot and we go ahead from there.


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