Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: Programmatic access TikiWiki

posts: 6

OK, I honestly tried understand material at these links but failed. :-(

Lets look at it from another angle.

Is the MySQL database structure of tiki database stable enough so that I can extract Wiki content directly from the database? I looked at the tables created by TikiWiki, looks like I can get wiki page contents from table 'tiki_pages', column 'data', and 'is_html' column says if the 'data' contains html or wiki-formatted text. Also, I can get structures hierarchy form 'tiki_structures' table.

Is this stable enough so that I could write scripts that will not require complete rewrite with every TikiWiki version?

And, if I get from the database page text that is wiki-formatted, how do I parse/convert it into html (or, at least, into plain text?) There should be some PHP function somewhere that does this...

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