Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Making a separate section

posts: 1563 Germany

Hello Mike,

you need:

1.) all existing content categorised with one new category, which you can call "main" or "socialgardens" and a second category for the new "websites" content called "angieslist".

2.) you need to categorise all existing content with the first category

3.) from then on you can categorise each new content to belong either to the one or the other site

4.) You need to setup "Perspectives" and create two perspectives "Socialgardens" and "Angie's List".

5.) You start to setup your modules, themes etc. based on the perspective, in the way, that you have two different websites.

6.) You need either two domains "socialgarden.org" and "fightangieslist.org", or a subdomain "angie.socialgarden.org"

7.) nearly there now:
apply angie.socialgarden.org to perspective Id = 2 !!
maybe apply socialgarden.org to perspective Id=1
then crate a home.socialgarden.org for a "technical landingpage", where the user can choose between the two sites.
-> you need at least one content, one page without being limited to any perspective and thus this page represents the content of the default perspective wich can be seen as perspective Id = 0

=> Now you start to get two double content websites and you see all content of both websites in both perspectives ... this is to be avoided, but we are nearly there.

8.) You need a little custom module - luci and me did figure out the code to paste inside last year in Barcelona.
This module will be applied into the pagetop area, not limited to any perspective and staying invisible for the users.
It is to check the category of the content and switches the perspective according to the category.

=> content has category Id=65 => switch to perspective Id = 1
=> content has category Id=66 => switch to perspective Id = 2

(once you start from scratch, you could be lucky and get a pair of cat1-perspect1 and cat2-perspect2, but once you have a few categories already, you can any category Id)

==> a few deatails like permission "allow smarty in templates" is needed, but you ared pretty much there:

You have more or less two websites (from the viewpoint of the user) running in one Tiki in one single database.
In fact it is still only one website, but it pretends to be two.

If you now set a clean slim admin-theme, you will not get confused, when you go to admin.php from either the one or the other website perspective, but that's details.

Please note:

If you need more independance, like two different usermanagements.
two different independant registrations, then you need two Tikis and should look into TRIM or Multitiki for a way to easier maintain more than one or a few of your own Tikis.

In the above setup every user of both of the website perspectives will be able to login on both domains.


if you want somebody to set it up for you, you could hire one of the power users or devs as consultant.

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