Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: WinXP install oddity

posts: 7 United States

Hi Guys,

Sorry I dropped off there for a few days.

Phillipe, my apologies on the confusing chronology on my user page. What happened was that on Thursday, when I couldn't login, I found a way to get back in via the tiki-install.php page. This didn't fix my problem, but it did allow me to continue to use tiki so long as that window was open/session was active. Obviously, that wouldn't work long term though. What Damian provided me was a "workaround" that didn't require me to have to keep the same browser window open all the time. That is, I could close IE, shutdown apache/mysql etc. and still be able to log back into tiki under an new browser/session. That workaround was moving everything from under /www to /www/tiki.

Now it sounds like Damian has fixed this install/sessions issue in version 1.7.6 (thanks Damian!). And I believe he said it was already fixed in 1.8 and beyond.

I hope this clears up any confusion. I didn't "fix" my problem myself — I was initially able to keep going, but in an unacceptable fashion. Damian's workaround "fixed" my problem and I am currently a very happy camper.

Damian, I'll look for your post on availability of the patch/tarball and give you feedback after installing. Thanks again, you guys have been really helpful.


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