

Re: Re: Menu system

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Daniam,

first: menu + visibility

a) menuitem

Just type this:
instead of the parameter-field "Section" into the parameter-field below "Permission"
or limit to the group "Admins" in the parameter-drop-down "Groups" above.

You do not want to restrict visibility to a feature (section wiki, cms, tracker, etc.), but you want to restrict for people who have a certain permission -> member of the group Admins have tiki_p_admin.

As normally tiki-p_admin is a permission exclusive for "Admins", the drop down would be appropriate enough.
The parameter "Permission" is more for permissions that are applied to several groups, so for tiki_p_edit or tiki_p_view etc.

b) module menu

As you said, you want to create a new menu (meaning not just a menu item in an existing menu), you need a module to display the module.

You create a module type menu in tiki-admin_modules.php and restrict it's visibilty to one or several groups (first tab "Basic" under "Edit this assigned module: menu")

second: access

You want to restrain access to the content?

Create a category (as I do not recommend object permissions apart from very rare specific use cases).
For this category you apply so called category permissions.

Category permissions mean, that if applied at least one or more permissions to one or several groups for a specific category, the general global permissions will be overwritten for all objects that are applied to that category.

Thus you restrict access to the categorized objects.

So together:

module + menu visibility of the trigger mechanism (link / url)

category permission access to the object

I hope that this helps you and maybe leads to some enlightenment ;-)


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