Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

WYSIWYG and wiki images in 12.0

posts: 2 USA

I'm having a problem with editing wiki pages with the WYSIWG editor in 12.0 in Firefox v26 (current versions). I installed tiki for the first time, and things seem to be working otherwise.

I attached an image to a page and added it using the wiki editor:

(in curly brackets)
img attId="1", thumb="mouseover", styleimage="border", desc="desc", max="100"

It shows up fine. I click to edit the page, and then change to the WYSIWG editor. The image and edit controls show up, but when I click save (having made no changes), the content is replaced with "ajax error". The browser console shows this error:

Expected declaration but found '"background-image:url(http://nemates.org/tiki/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=1);width:686px;height:100%;"'. Skipped to next declaration.

when I switch to the WYSIWG editor. IS this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?



posts: 2 USA

Let me update my post. I found and cleared some mod_security problems and now I don't get the "ajax error". Instead the saved page now shows the image thumbnail, but also the page code starting with '" style="position:relative;borde...' and then the full size image.

(curly brackets start)img attId="1", thumb="mouseover", styleimage="border", desc="desc", max="100"(curly brackets end)

When I hit the WYSIWYG editor button, the broswer console shows this error:

Expected declaration but found '"background-image:url(http://nemates.org/tiki/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=1);width:686px;height:100%;"'. Skipped to next declaration.

After hitting the WYSIWYG editor button and saving:

(lt bracket)div class="tiki_plugin" contenteditable="false" data-args="attId=1&thumb=mouseover&styleimage=border&desc=desc&max=100" data-body="" data-plugin="img" data-syntax="(curly brackets start)img attId="1" thumb="mouseover" styleimage="border" desc="desc" max="100"}" style="position:relative;border:1px solid darkgray;" unselectable="on">{img src="img/icons/picture.png"(curly brackets end)" data-cluetip-options="(curly brackets start)"height":1548,"showTitle":false,"cluetipClass":"fullhtml","attribute":"data-cluetip-body"(curly brackets end)"> (curly brackets start)img src="http://nemates.org/tiki/tiki-download_wiki_attachment.php?attId=1"(curly brackets end)

Thanks for any help,
