

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Set permission in files in File Galleries

posts: 10

Hi Rick,

I have followed your steps to set a category in the file but still failed, can you tell me what's wrong on my procedures? I am now showing the steps and the main problems to you as below.

1. I have created a folder called "standard authorised" and set permission to be viewed and edited by restricted group users only, and i have uploaded two files in this folder.


2. I have set the category to "restricted group" in the file "chinese advanced search".


3. And I confirm that the normal user group has no category assigned.


4. I login as a normal user and start search by keyword " chinese"


5. I clicked the folder "standard authorised" and it shows I have no permission to view it.


6. But I can download it when I clicked th file "chinese advanced search". (This is the main problem)


Please tell me is it the boundary of the file permission which can be searched and open if I search it, and teach me how to fix it with details.  Thanks a lot.

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