Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Trackerlist: possible to filter on multiple values in one query?

posts: 3665 United States

I'm not sure that your "or" operator (i.e., using | ) is supported by the TRACKERLIST plugin. At least, I don't see anything mentioned in the docs.

Maybe you can use the TRACKERITEMFIELD plugin to test the value of the last name? You can construct and IF...ELSE test pretty easily:

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{TRACKERITEMFIELD(trackerId=1, fieldId=1, test="John"} match found {ELSE}{TRACKERITEMFIELD(trackerId=1, fieldId=1, test="Jane"} match found {ELSE} No match {TRACKERITEMFIELD}

You might also want to look at the LIST plugin. IIRC, it can use boolean expressios (e.g., AND, OR) in its filters.



- Rick  |  My Tiki Blog |  My Tiki UserPage

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