Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Which version to install right now and upgrade to Tiki 14 later?

posts: 1563 Germany

Hello Meave,

good question.

As you have a PHP 5.5 opportunity and dare to manually install anyway, I strongly recommend to start with Tiki14.0it always upfront.

Tiki 13 was a great piece of software, but was always meant to be a preliminary step between old and new - nothing really to start with, since you have a chance to start a deveopment with Tiki 14 now.

Really: go for 14 from start.

I have aswell a 14 beta and a pre-15 trunk running productive (kind of productive testing), each one in an associations intranet.

Quite soon I will have to upgrade the public website of one of the two associations from Tiki 12.x and definitely I will do that directly to Tiki 14.

Tiki 13 was necessary, was helpful, was unavoidable. But 14 is what 13 wanted to help getting.

This said, I tink really painful nothing will be as long as you do not customise a Tiki 12 too much with CSS and unresponsive WikiPlugins.
As long as you stick to legacy themes and to basic layout, more discovering the functional features of Tiki (like trackers for document management or so), you could start wit any version.

Hope that helps.


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