Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Wiki Pages as tracker items

posts: 1563 Germany

 Hi Avocadocommander,

so you want to let the tracker populate itself in a wikipage on creation. That might be possible, hence I do not understand the sense behind it.

Ok, there might be use cases, that you need the tracker display plus extra information. But generally speaking I would prefer to stay with trackers and populate the extra information in the tracker iten itself.

Why you do not go the route to use templates to let the tracker items display the way you want?

So I stop that now, as it does not help you.

Hmm I would have to figure out myself -no time theses days for that. But I am thinking, that there is indeed some functionality to create pages on tracker item creation. Still there would be some kind of template needed, that contains the structure of the wiki page and there must be some kind of "hoock", a bridge to pass the tracker item Id to the page.

No idea right now, but I think, I have read something like that recently and maybe we just would have to bring certain existing things together of which we do simply not realise that they fit together.

Maybe it would be helpful, if you could decribe your use case a bit more in detail, for that we understand better why you need that this way and use cases often give some enlightenment and creative thoughts.

Best regards,

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