

Re: Customising BootstrapTheme: Search Module inside Header



I believe your search form's button is on a second line because there isn't enough space for it alongside the input field. Bootstrap CSS grid div classes can be used to assign widths to items in the top and topbar module zones. At this site, in the topbar module zone,  the menu has a  "Containing Class" (aka "topclass" in the parameters shown in the table of active modules) of "col-md-9", and the search module has a Containing Class of "col-md-3". This means in medium-sized displays and larger, the menu will be 9/12 the content width and the search form 3/12 the width. This is enough width to allow the search input field and button to display side by side.

Can you try adding div classes like those to your modules to see if you get the effect you want? (Documentation still needs to be written about this, as far as I know.)

Also, I wonder why you can't assign the search form to the topbar zone; do you mean it's completely impossible, or that you get a bad display when you try?

-- Gary 

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