Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Re: Re: Re: New tiki user, some questions/issues with my install

posts: 1563 Germany

Hello GothicWizard,

imho it seems logical, that when you click on a "newest post" in a "newest post listing", you will be forwarded to the newest post.

HTTPS is at first a server setting. You need a SSL certificate applied on the server to the domain you are using for your Tiki - ask your provider for that please.

After discussing with your provider and getting answers which options your provider offers, if you stil have questions about where to get an SSL certificate you could open a new thread here in the forums and we will try to give you some guidance. Although this is not a Tiki specific question and we might ending up to forward you other specialised communities or organisations.

Once the SSL certificate is applied to the domain (maybe a wildcard certificate, if the provider offers that), you can set Tiki to either allow HTTPS or to force HTTPS.

As long as there is no SSL certificate actively connected to your domain, you likely will lock out yourself from your Tiki (in case you force to use HTTPS whilst not having applied an SSL certificate, which would have a similar effect as locking the site for maintenence, renewing the password and forgetting the password. You should not to force something what you do not have.

Once you have an active SSL certificte, yu find the appropriate settings here:

pref 1 (optional when using HTTPS / SSL):
Protect all sessions with HTTPS
pref 2 (this is to use HTTPS for/after login):
Use HTTPS login
Options for pref 2:
Disabled, Allow, Encourage, Consider but do not check, Require

Best regards,

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