Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Re: How to allow download of pictures from a tracker?

posts: 1563 Germany

Hi Pak,

the code above is for a Tracker form to submit data.

What you want to achieve is an output of the tracked data items on a wikipage.

Right now I see three wikiplugins to show the tracker items on a wikipage:

1. Plugin "{trackerlist}" as Rick mentioned

2. Plugin "{trackerfilter}" - similar behaviour and mostly the same parameters, but additionally a filter dialog on top.

3. Plugin "{LIST}" which has newly added documentation and expects more and is in my opinion that what you need - provided I understood right, what result you want to achieve ideally.

Could you please post an answer with the Id number of your tracker and with the Id Number and if possible with the permanent numbers of your fields.

Exact but very brief information about your field types and field option would be helpful aswell.

If we are lucky, I could maybe provide you with a code snipped that you could copy/paste and it works. No promise, but chances are there, if you provide e the right data right.


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