Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Tiki15 to 15.1 Blew up Media Player

posts: 4656 Japan

I added a mediaplayer plugin to play an mp3 file, and the size was "normal". I did specify a width of 200px and height of 20px in the mediaplayer dialog when adding it to the page.

But then I removed the dimensions parameters to see what would happen, and the player is still the same size. Looking at the page source, I see 'width="200" height="20"' as arguments for the "object" element.

This is in the current branch 15. I wonder what's causing the difference at your site.
Update: I noticed your player is inside a div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper". Searching for this in Tiki's code, I find it's from a jQuery plugin "fitvidjs", which is activated by a checkbox "FitVids.js" on tiki-admin.php?page=features#contentadmin_features-interface . This is something new as far as I know, so would uncheck that for now until the bugs are worked out.

-- Gary

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