Architecture / Installation

Architecture / Installation

Re: Bug reporter tracker fails after upgrade to newest version.

posts: 58

Hmm well it seems that I finally fot this to work almost..

I added the code:

Copy to clipboard
{if $prefs.feature_sefurl === 'y'}{$sep = '?'}{else}{$sep = '&amp;'}{/if} <a href="{$trackerId|sefurl:tracker}{$sep}status={$stdata.statuslink}{if $filtervalue and !$filtervalue|is_array}&amp;filtervalue={$filtervalue|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $filtervalue|is_array}{$filtervalueencoded}{/if}{if $filterfield}&amp;filterfield={$filterfield|escape:"url"}{/if}{if $sort_mode}&amp;sort_mode={$sort_mode}{/if}">

The error is now gone, but now the toggle option wont show me the pending tasks...
pleasesee the video screencast:

As you will see in the video - it doesnt change view - it also refuses to show me the pending tasks.

Here is a screenshot of the new tracker code in Dreamweaver:


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