Tiki and PluginR

Tiki and PluginR

Trouble with contact form.

posts: 2 Netherlands

The problem;

Anonymous users can't access the default contact.php after setting up. Instead of showing the page, I get a blank page with no input. On some browsers it says "Can't connect to 192.168...etc"

The same link works fine for Registered and Admin users.

What I've tried:
I've set an admin user email and made the in the contact settings that user send = Admin
I also made sure the "Allow anonymous users to use contact" option is checked.

Screen Shot 2017 01 16 At 15.54.41

Im running through VirtualBox on a Ubuntu server.

Any help would be appreciated.

posts: 2 Netherlands

Solved - though perhaps not viable for live solution.

By un-checking the spam protection items in the Security settings unregistered users can enter my contact.php file. Fine for testing purposes.