Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: mindmap plugin

posts: 2 Uganda

Using Tiki 17.1.
I could not install this addon.
At first I searched for it at Admin Modules - all modules, but it's not there.
Tiki Mods will also not show it.
Then I tried to figure out if I need to install it manually.
Mod-mindmap gives relatively poor information on the installation.
Using this file list I tried to find the correct place. Then I found that there where already some files present.
So I tried to run /tiki-mindmap.php and this provided a checkbox to tick so this module gets installed.
Another call of /tiki-mindmap.php shows "Missing dependency. Obtain visorFreemind.swf and upload it in files/. "
After creating the folder /files (in root) and uploading the file, calling /tiki-mindmap.php does not show any error.
I still cannot find any place where I could enable this plugin. Also when I use the proposed code snipped shown below I only get this as a text output.

Copy to clipboard
{MINDMAP(src=>./lib/mindmap/wikiplugin-mindmap.mm,plugin=>java, mode=>inline,width=>100%,height=>400)}{MINDMAP}

Can anybody please help to use this feature?

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