Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Tracker Pretty Templates Unusable all the sudden

posts: 758 United States

Looks like footnotes may be rearing its ugly head again.

When footnotes plugin is used, the syntax that populates the page is
Copy to clipboard
{footnotearea }
instead of
Copy to clipboard
, there is a space that is inserted between "a }". I closed the space up but there is still an issue. I disabled footnote plugin and my pages still don't work with trackers, but there seems to be something wrong with footnotes again.

Here is the latest PHP error report

Copy to clipboard
NOTICE (E_USER_NOTICE): Undefined property: Smarty_Tiki::$security At line 763 in vendor_bundled/vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php NOTICE (E_NOTICE): Undefined index: sameas At line 150 in lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_footnote.php NOTICE (E_NOTICE): Undefined index: sameas At line 150 in lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_footnote.php
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