Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Tiki Forums -- Are sub-/child- forums possible? If so, how? Thank you.

posts: 4 United States
Tiki Forums — Are sub-/child- forums possible? If so, how? Thank you.

posts: 4 United States

Thank you. I would need both — sections and sub-forums — or sections and sub-sections — to use Tiki.

That's too bad... Tiki does a lot of what I am looking for that is not done elsewhere...

Do you know whether there are plans for implementing sub-forums and/or sub-sections in the near future?

Thank you.

posts: 4 United States
Thank you, Rick. :-)

posts: 4 United States
Haha — after following that link, I have no clue how to submit a feature request... do I have to create a separate log-in account??