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Features / Usability

User-dependent highlighting

posts: 21 Netherlands

I'm using Tiki for a project with a small group of friends.
I hacked the sources so in various places (shoutbox, last changes etc.) the items in the list are given a colour depending on the user who did the action.
I wonder if Tiki already supports such a functionality, and if not, perhaps it would be useful to write an extension for that? Especially in small comunities it makes life much easier, and also in big ones could allow e.g. admin-made modifications to be better visible.

Another thing - is it possible to have multi-level highlighting in forums depending on 'answer' level like this:
> > > User 1 message
> > User 2 message
> User 3 message
User 4 message


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi There,

On mods.tikiwiki.org (soon to have new theme) I have a star system there based upon users groups. Whilst Ive modifed the smarty routines to automatically display and select the correct one. Im guessing to change the colour of text or items your going to need to introduce some new CSS classes or new fields in users_users and do some serious template working to get them to display correctly.

With the forums I guess you could check the first character of each line for a > sign and work on the level and enclose it into a span tag. Shouldnt be too hard.
