Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Markdown requirements, Tiki flavored, Github flavored and additional options... (confused)

posts: 8633 Israel

Ok I deleted and re-create (twice) a page after I set the following settings:

  • Preference markdown enabled enabled (Preference name: markdown_enabled)
  • Preference markdown default set (Preference name: markdown_default)

As the toolbar look different this time I understand I'm on "Markdown" mode.

Screen Shot 2022 11 25 At 23.29.50

I tried to use the syntax found at : https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/
... Doesn't work.

I went back to the Wiki page help and see "Mardown Syntax" but it show the usual wiki syntax. There is also a link to http://doc.tiki.org/Markdown-syntax but it goes to a "page not found".

... Seems the feature is not ready yet for end user . ;-)

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