Tiki Wiki 27.0 - "Skip to main content" button on top of the website / no objects in categories
Hey everyone,
I've recently tried to upgrade Tiki 24.6 LTS to Tiki 27.0 LTS and ran into two issues:
PHP 8.3.9
MySQL 8.0.38 CE
1. On the top of my Tiki website there's a "Skip to main content" button. When I click on it, nothing happens, only a #col1 appears on the end of the URL.
Is there a way to remove the button? It doesn't seem to be related to the theme, because I tried different themes and it was still there.
2. I can't see any objects in my categories.
I can see the number of objects, but in the categories there is just a "No records found." message.
In 24.6 everything is fine...