Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: How do I get my home page to look like yours?

posts: 4656 Japan

This is the method I used for cunningham-lee.com, my family site. I also wanted to have an intro section at the top of the page and news articles below (but fewer articles listed than on the main view_articles page). I made a copy of tiki-view_articles.php and renamed it tiki-index2.php. The only changes in the file were to replace the maximum articles to show ($maxArticles) with a hardcoded number to limit articles on this page (around line 112), and to point to the new template associated with this file, near the bottom: "$smarty->assign('mid','tiki-index2.tpl');".

This tiki-index2.tpl is a copy of tiki-view_articles.tpl with these changes: There's a new div and table at the top that contains a "content id=1" tag. This content — the headline and paragraph at the top of the page — is Tiki dynamic content so it can be edited within Tiki. Actually I put a banner zone in the template as well, to display the random photos. The banners are html type and specify a floating div containing an image. These are displayed randomly as they are all for the same banner zone. (A variation can be seen at the Phoenix Developer Consortium site, which uses the same file changes and gets edited via Tiki's dynamic content feature.)

In Tiki's general Admin section, I set tiki-index2.php as the site index page. I didn't use a wiki page and the articles plug-in because, at least at that time, article topic images weren't displayed by the plug-in. I don't know if that has changed.

-- Gary (chibaguy)

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