Features / Usability

Features / Usability

What should be the default group by default in the database ?

posts: 8633 Israel

Sub question (kind of) of : https://tiki.org/forumthread79006-How-to-remove-the-default-group-of-a-user-from-the-tiki-user-interface

So, in a Tiki24 I have almost 200 users with a default group assigned and I want to change it back to the "default".

If I look in the database in users_users I can see a "default_group" column.

However some row have a Null value and some have a Registered value.
Trying to check if they were a rule for this or how this is happening I checked some other Tikis.

My understanding is that:

  • If a user register itself, its default group is set to Registered (silently - this won't be visible from the HTML users Tiki interface)
  • If an admin creates manually a user, this user won't have a default group set (Null)

What would be safe here to remove the unwanted default group ?
Set it to Null or Registered ?

Thinking about this on the Tiki code level

What would be the "correct" mechanism here ?

  • May be it should stays like this ? (who cares 🤣)
  • May be it should stays like this but less silently and the default group flag should be visible in the user interface (Registered) ?
  • All should be with Registered value as default group ? (Null is bad)
  • All should be with Null value if you don't set a default group none should be set ?
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