Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Re: Social Login unable to auto create user

posts: 400

Based on your email (I don't see the post), it seems like you may have placed the code in a different place than I intended. Here's the way the whole section should look starting around line 211 (may lose the indenting):

if ($fp === false) {
// new debug code starts here
$msg = tr('Error attempting to connect to graph.facebook.com:') . ' ' . $errstr . ' '
. tr('(error number %0)', $errno) . tr(' with url - %0', $url);
// new debug code ends here
$this->add_log('getFacebookAccessToken', $msg);
return false;
} else {
fputs($fp, $request);
$ret = '';
while (! feof($fp)) {
$ret .= fgets($fp, 128);

If this is n't where you had it, please try again.

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