Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Cookie Consent

posts: 32 Germany
Jonny Bradley wrote:
Most of it's in cookie_consent.tpl - does that help?

Yes, thanks.

I used the original template for about 1 week and only 1 out of 1000 visitors checked the checkbox for the analytics. So we decided to make some changes, looking forward for more agreements.

Our goal was something like this on spreadshirt.com.

On the bobshopdemo.bob360.de site you can see how it works. It is just a Demo!

Some limitations:

  • all text is hardcoded in the template - I don't knwo how to modify the admin-panel for the $prefs
  • using the display mode "Modal" make a problem, when the user klick on the link for the privacy policy. To solve this, I tried to open a dialog (Plugin Dialog), but there is no scrolling available in the dialog-box? Is there any other way to open something like a dialog?

Feel free to use the new file for the next version or inspiration.


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