Features / Usability

Features / Usability

List a field of a tracker in another tracker

posts: 33

I'm having 2 trackers:

tracker id 5: students

  • field 25: Grade name -> drop down with fixed values
  • field 23: Class names

tracker id 6: classes

  • field 24: Grade name -> drop down with fixed values(same as above)
  • field 19: Class name -> text field

so I want to show the list of class names, defined in tracker by id=6 in the place of field 23 in tracker by id=5. I want it to be a drop down.
I tried to link these 2 trackers using Grade name, but it doesn't got me that.
I can do the work if only can list one tracker's field in another tracker field as a drop down.
Any helps please,

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