Features / Usability

Features / Usability

Batch Actions - Trackers

posts: 2 United States

I am running Tiki 6 and trying to get the "batch actions" http://doc.tiki.org/Batch&structure=Documentation+TOC to work to change the a trackers items status from open to closed after a certain duration.

Currently I have setup:

  • a cron job with the command "cd /var/www/tiki; php tiki-batch_todo.php" - Which is running every minute for testing and is running with no errors
  • In the modification/creation panel of a tracker I have selected under "Status Changes List" to have the status change from open to close after 1 minute of creation. I do not need mail notification for this and have not set anything for this. One minute after creation is also just for testing if this is working and would be changed later.

This setup is currently not changing the status of the trackers item. Is there a step that I am missing? Any help is greatly appreciated!


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