You can also make a financial contribution to support Tiki. Community funds are managed by the Tiki Software Community Association and will be used for:
Hardware and infrastructure expenses related to servers
Domain and hosting fees for domains
Supporting TikiFests and other conference-related costs
Promotion and advertising of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware
Other expenses deemed necessary
The Tiki Software Community Association is a not-for-profit entity, registered in Ontario, Canada. You may make a financial contribution in any amount, in any currency, through PayPal (although donating in Canadian dollars will avoid PayPal converting the amount to Canadian dollars and save on fees). The entirety of your donation, after PayPal fees, goes directly to the Tiki Software Community Association.
Is my donation to Tiki tax deductible?
Tiki Software Community Association is not a registered charity in Canada. Donations to the Association are not tax-deductible, even for Canadian residents. Open source communities are not considered charities under Canada Revenue Agency policy.