
Guideline for a typical video clip

Guideline: Video prod

This page is part of the Video Clips project and the tv.tiki.org CMS. It is a natural continuation as the need for video documentation
The purpose of this page is to deepen the explanation of the process used to launch video clips. The purpose of this page is to document how a video clip for the tiki.org community is made and use the help of this community to launch as many video clips as possible.

How is a video clip built

Here are the components of an *ideal* video clip.

  • a) Intro: 5 to 10 seconds
  • b) The video clip itself
  • c) Mention of the Creative Commons license

a) Intro.

The idea is to have a recognizable intro (images and sound)

For example, when we log on Ted.com, every time we look at a video clip, we get the same 20 second intro.

Let's not mistake ourselves, attention spanof a regular internet video viewer is short. Video clips should last no more than five minutes. It is well know that we, the viewers, decide within the first 20 seconds if we want to pursue viewing a video clip.

Therefore, this teaser is crucial for the success of this endeavor so we can attract new community members.

i) Video

The idea is to have the different Logos presented.

ii) Audio

The idea is to have a unique sound that characterizes Tiki with a twelve second teaser that introduces the community. This Jingle is a creative music piece that has the pretension of encapsulating the *Whole Community* in twelve seconds.

For the creation of the TW Jingle, Daniel placed an advertisement at linuxmao.org. A french music web portal powered by Tiki! You
can view the advertisement on their page once you have subscribed at LinuxMao.org

After many conversations and received inquiries, Daniel has met over the internet Alex from 1 K Sound Desing

The concept is the following: To use the sound of morse as a *tread*. These *morse sound* go faster and faster as we reach the end of the 12 seconds, the *climax*

Here is the first sample of the said jingle submitted by Alex.

b) The video clip itself

The video clips are, like we mentioned in previous communications, as much as possible: timeless and spaceless

c) Mention of the Creative Commons licence

Mention of the Creative Commons license with their logo so that users can copy and paste the video clips at will


Interesting links

Pages related to this one

2 pages link to Guideline for a typical video clip

Created by: Last Modification: Thursday 16 May 2013 09:13:19 GMT-0000 by Daniel Gauthier
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