

Some ideas for later versions...

Note: this page is to shortlist ideas for further wiki versions. It is likely that some of the ideas are already in production phase in further tiki versions, sorry if this is the case... 😕

This page is really the wrong way to suggest a feature; the right way is through dev.tiki.org, as (should be, not yet) explained on RequestEnhancement. However, it is nice to have a wiki page like this, so I'm not deleting it. If you really care about any of these ideas, though, please check whether it exists and what the status is on sourceforge, and then don't forget to come back here and put a status update on this page (with links) for the next person who comes along.


*Each idea is a small description paragraph. If other users and developers believe they should be explored in a dedicated wiki page, we could give it a name like ))IdeaTitle. For instance if the title of the idea is Hot Wiki Words then the related dedicated wiki page should beIdeaHotWikiWords((.
  • Why not make an Idea category?
-- JFN

  • Mail Templates: It would be good to have templates for the mails that Tiki sends. Admins in any language or on any type of site should be able to easily edit the wording of the mails.

  • Wysiwyg text editor: we want easy editing? A wysiwyg text editor would make the job even easier for new comers. This editor could even show in real time if wiki linked pages already exist or not (then add the ? at the end of the word). Here is some stuff about editors.

  • Hot wiki words: same thing as hotwords, but applied to words and expressions inside the wiki so we don't have to remember all the time to put them between a pair of parenthesis.

  • Visual Hyperlinks:Provide a visual sign for external hyperlinks to distinguish them from internal wiki ones (most wikis provide this feature). This sign could be configurable ascii character or a small image.

  • Registration: Send new registered users to homepage: After the user has created an account with login+password, he gets sent back to the same "create login+pass" page rather than being sent to the homepage. He should be sent to the homepage or to any dedicated welcome page decided by the admin.

  • Registration: Automated Welcome Message: It would be nice if the admin could configure an automated welcome message that would be sent by email to the new registrar. This would be useful to send general guidelines that the new comer could keep as help guidelines.

  • Keep me logged in: The 'Remember me' checkbox might be confusing for some users because they may believe that next time they come to the site their login + password are memorized so they just has to click Enter (this is what they are used to in Windows environments). What about a text that says something like "Keep me logged in when back"?

  • Option Count Admin page views: The idea is to let the admin decide if other accounts with admin rights are counted in the statistics or not. Not counting admin account in the statistics would provide more realistic data.

  • Alphabetical Admin Menu: this is not the top emergency issue, but the admin menu is a sort of long list in which words put into an alphabetical order would facilitate the reading.

  • Email Notifications: A section to configure and edit any kinds of email notification would be great. Any email could be set up and linked to an event (new user, date, new article or wiki page, etc).

  • UserPage Format: The format 'UserPage'+ ))login name(( is imposed. Why not let the admin decide the format of the userpage name? For instance it can be left in free format so the user can link any wiki page to his parameter page, or it can take another specific format. Right now if you have a long name, signing with UserPageThomasJefferson is not very sexy. Signing ThomasJefferson is much more sexy...

  • Trackback: An easy-to-use Trackback feature just like in Movable Type, how cooooool!
  • More Ideas about tiki BLOGS: On this Wiki Page you can find more feature requests and ideas about the tiki blog system from paulap. Should we collect all weblog ideas on this page?

  • Blank Wiki Words: A list of wikiwords for which a page has not yet been created would be very useful. It would not only help to spot blank wiki words but also spot redundant similar ones (they intend to link to the same page but they are spelled slightly differently).

  • Let Sandbox be localized: Sandbox is imposed whatever language and it's meaningless. Might be good to have the ability for the admin to rename it.

  • Wiki Tables: They might become much easier to build in the wiki way with a dedicated begin/end markup tag. Right now they are difficult to visualize in edit mode because the 'begin table' tag and the 'next line' tags are the same: ||.

As a consequence, a table has to be built like this:
||L1C1|L1C2||L2C1|L2C2|| where different table lines have to appear in one same line in edit mode.

Let's decide for instance that the begin/end table tags are << and >>. Then we can write any table in a more "wysiwyg way" when in edit mode:

  • Make blank wiki links visible: when we generate a new wiki link, the '?' is attached to the last word of the whole group of words. It makes difficult for the reader to figure out what is the set of words that concern the wiki link. For instance: Dark side of the Moon has the question mark right after Moon. How does the reader know whether the wiki link to make is about the moon or the dark side of the moon? A solution might be to give a color to the whole set of linked words. It would appear like this: Dark Side of the Moon IdeaDontListPrivatePages" class="wiki wikinew text-danger tips">Don't list private pages: Private wiki pages with limited rights to specific groups should not be listed for everyone in the 'Last changes' list. It should only appear for those who have the rights to see it.

  • Offline editor: having an offline wiki editor would be useful for at least 2 reasons:

    1. Because you can work offline (did you guess this one? 😉
    2. Because you can edit and save texts that you still don't want to see online (you can save it at an intermediary stage when you have to go eating or to the bathroom or to a meeting 😊

It would be even more fantastic if this offline editor could send the content online, just like the blogs.

  • Indent feature: Tikiwiki doesn't seem to provide tags to indent text. This would be a useful feature when quoting or having a dialogue.

  • Chat Invitation: might be nice if we could invite someone online for a chat. Right now all participants need to be in the Chat area at the same time in order to start the conversation, there is no feature to invite them while they are somewhere else in the site. The chat feature could be managed made in a popup window so that you can keep working in Tiki in parallel.

  • Redirect Pages: many times there are pages that are transfered to another page, or pages that can have multiple names. It would be useful to have an instruction that, when inserted in a page, would automatically send to another page.

  • Don't display private content when using the Search function: performing a search generates a listing that displays the first entry line of relevant items. Not cool when some of the items are private and confidential: an excerpt of them is displayed to everyone's eyes. This can be a real issue for companies and content tied to a NDA.

  • Need to have bigger edit fields in forums: the edit and reply page interfaces in the forums have a stamp size which makes them almost impossible to use in version 1.7.4. Will next versions provide a bigger input field ?

  • Fold – Unfold menu parameter: right now the fold and unfold menu feature is set up in the CSS file. Most of menus unfold when clicking on the
    . For many users, at least French ones I know, this
    doesn't mean anything and they never understand this is a fold/unfold feature until it is explained to them. Letting the admin choose between different fold/unfold options might improve the whole ergonomy. Other options could be with +/-, ??, etc.
Goto "Admin", "General" and select "Display menus as folders:"--- that will show a closed folder for a collapsed tree, an open folder for an unfolded tree. Just like in windows. You might want to move this item in the FAQ. Reply: "Display menus as folders" is already checked on and it hasn't changed anything, probably because the it is hardcoded in the stylesheet... — jfn

  • HTML newsletters: it would be just fantastic if they could be set to html. Then it is easy to insert wikilinks in them that will appear as full html links when the mail is sent. Such a feature would help to make powerful newsletters in which links to the tiki content are a piece of cake to make.

  • Unwiki words: there are some words like United-States or Jean-Paul that become automatic wiki links. An Unwiki list would let the user decide that these words are never wiki links when written as is. They would become wiki links only when surrounded by a pair of parenthesis.

  • Self-Inclusion: This is a whole topic by itself. The "self-inclusion" feature is one of the powerful aspects of many wikis. The fact that the last modified pages, or the orphan pages, or the "blank" pages, or the less visited pages, or the pages belonging to a specific category, or the pages written by ))JohnDoe(( are listed in an easy to read wiki page — and not a cold computer listing or a side menu — allows interesting, interactive and engaging content that helps boost the wiki.

  • Level when user receives an alert: In the user information page, the user can decide at which level he can receive an email alert when someone sends him a message via the tiki platform. The default value is « none . It is likely that most users don't understand what this feature exactly means until they have more tiki experience. The admin might be interested in setting this parameter to '1' by default at the beginning (the user can change it later), so that new users are alerted when a message is sent to them. Such alerts augment the « stickiness » to the tool because new users are invited to come back via email.

Of course, you'd also need to include a "click on this link to unsubscribe" in the emails as well, otherwise it would be spam if someone forgot their password or just couldn't be bothered.

  • Message preview before sending: when composing a message, it would make it more user friendly if we could play with a preview button before sending it.

  • Add CC and BCC fields in compose message: when we want to send a message from the "view user" page, the message can only be sent to this unique person. What about adding the CC and BCC fields like in the regular "compose message" page?

  • Make use of tabstops: When creating an article i like to only use the keybord. when i want to navigat from the header to the body i have to 'tab' through al the smiles etc. With tabstops one could order the tabs in a logical way.

  • Exclude wiki pages from ranking: The top visited pages menu lists some "obvious" pages such as the homepage, or "about" page, etc... Some top ranked pages are also visited just because... they were at the top ranking in the early days. It might be interesting for the admin to decide whether a wiki page is ranked or not, so that the top visited pages menue shows those that are really meaningfully visited.

  • Transclude Articles: It would be nice to have some wiki pages (for instance, the home page) include other content - views into articles, blogs, FAQs, fora, or whatever. It would be great to have some code that would transclude a page whether or not it was in the wiki. This is more specific that IdeaTransclusion above - you should be able to include the CONTENT (without navigation) of any Tiki page visible to the current user (not just wiki pages). You should NOT be able to include offsite pages.

  • Talk Pages: The Wikipedia concept of talk pages (a discussion page associated with each "real" page, with full wiki functionality) is a good one. Unlike page comments, it introduces people easily to wiki-editing and can be very unobtrusive yet accessible.

  • Signature: An obvious co-feature with the above would be Wikipedia-style signatures- a few characters (why not copy the that they use?) which re-evaluate on save to be a link to user and talk pages and a time and date.

Created by: Last Modification: Friday 20 September 2019 15:51:45 GMT-0000 by drsassafras
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