luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):So, what are your resolutions and dreams Bernard? 😊
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Hello everyone I didn't say hello yet 😊
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):We need the star name still. Just make sure everything is merged and composer.json and lock is in good shape before branching?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):I agree the starname is critical 😀
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci)::D
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):I'll ask for star names in the Dev list
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):(y)
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):??
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):I am arriving to Brussels that day
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):BTB = Breakfeast Tiki Branching
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Pussies... 😀 😀 😀 😀
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):where?
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci)::D
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):lol
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):using the scheduler !!! 😀
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):CKEditor still says in the footer of their site "Proud to be Open Source"
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):I remember I had work to do before branching ?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Just GPL is not compatible with us
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):So we are stuck with version4?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Is it a bug report?
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):is there height param?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):tambours and trumpets !
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):It will be commercial service available under
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Luci :
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):I have something related (free tiki test): Tiki Free Trial. (still need to complete and advertise)
Roberto Kirschbaum (robertokir):J-M pls can you lower your mic gains a bit?
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Bernard: nice
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):lol, it's going to be nice when I complete and advertise 😀
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Usually weekends are commited to family stuff 😉
Gour (gour):week-ends are better optin for me, although i'm not so important...our daughter has activities during the week, so...
Guill ( better for me personally
Guill ( i could probably join during the weekends too
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Survey ?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Tiki Survey ?
Gour (gour):and out of the weekdays, thu is not the best, e.g. fri would be be better
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):friday would work for me too
Gour (gour):i'm not on FB 😊
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Gour: you get extra points then 😊
Gour (gour):;)
Guill (️
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Good idea, announce it everywhere possible
Guill ( list ?️
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):lol
Gour (gour):just a shot Q: what is the future of tiki-users list?
Gour (gour):*short
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):...
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):Gour, there seem to be very few users on that list, and not much activity.
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):So maybe close it and direct people to the dev list?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):??
Guill (
Gour (gour):@gary ok, got it
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):We should discuss on the lists, to get more input.
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):There is an admin meeting next month - maybe a decision can be made about the mailing lists.
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):lower your gain
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):(master sounds evil...)
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):/me likes svn but will adapt 😉
Gour (gour):does anyone have problem with automatic mirroring of tiki repo @gitlab?
Guill (ša Janiška yes
Guill ( worked
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):yes gour, it's currently broken again
Guill ( broke after a while
Gour (gour):ok
Guill ( mean for your own fork right?
Gour (gour):yep
Guill ( mirror from upstream?
Guill (, broken
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):to kick it
Guill ( every time i start working on something, before branching on my own repo, i pull upstream first so that i branch from the latest update
Gour (gour)::-)
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):
Guill (
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):You mean this Jonny? -
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):agree
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):ah, yup, looks outdated a bit
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley)::)
Gour (gour):gary: have you tried
Gary Cunningham-Lee (chibaguy):No, I haven't, Gour. I'll take a look.
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Gour: 2013 Breezy Team - is anybody using it actually? I tried only Mercurial once and that is it (from the alternative VCSs)
Gour (gour):it can use git format, but have some humanness 😊
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):TAG meeting is in a month or so
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Gour: ah, interesting
Gour (gour):luci: breezy could simplify using of git for some, it's actively developed....for my own projects i use Fossil
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):very choppy here as well
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):Oh it was "Sourcetree" (a git gui for Mac)
Guill ( gain is way too high
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Jean-Marc: you need to measure your speed and then to call your IS provider I guess
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):don't ask me to talk 😀
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):brb
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):yes a demo !!!
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):yes please, is it a jonny's lecture?
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):I made you presentator
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):BBB is really working fine today !
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):what phpunit version is it?
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):looks like picture in picture screen?
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):CI does run on any push, not only on merge requests
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):on
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):I think I will stick to tests made on Gitlab 😊
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):As I did not get it much, how to do it easily on my own, sorry...
Jonny Bradley (jonnybradley):\Tiki\Lib\wiki\WikiLibTest::testProcessPageDisplayOptions
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):Can you edit the wiki pages offline too?
Gour (gour):in regard to PWA, i'm mostly interested to be able to work on larger content (e.g. article writing using markdown) and then being able to submit it online...
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):In other words it is easier to create new content, which needs to be submitted later when online, than trying to edit existing content which needs to be cached first from the database for offline editing
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist (Bsfez):making coffee while starting
Jean-Marc Libs (Jyhem):This looks like a whole new language 😊
Guill ( component include the html (in the template), the js (object oriented) and the CSS
luciash d' being ?♂️ (luci):bye!