Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Releases 5.3 and 3.8 LTS Security Patches
-The Tiki community has released two security patches: 5.3 and 3.8 LTS. These releases address security issues (including one critical item) that were discovered by John Leitch. There is no new functionality. The Tiki Community highly recommends that all Tiki admins immediately upgrade their sites to the current release.
To download the new release or patch, please see http://tiki.org/download.
Tiki 5.2 and 3.7LTS Now Available
-Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is proud to announce the release of Tiki 5.2 and Tiki 3.7 LTS (Long Term Support). Both releases include minor fixes and updates. All Tiki Admins are encouraged to upgrade. You can download these new versions from http://tiki.org/download.
The Tiki Community should be aware that Tiki 6 (planned for October 2010) will replace Tiki 3 as the LTS version. This means that upon the release of Tiki 7.0 (planned for April 2011), Tiki 3 LTS will reach the end of active development. Please see http://dev.tiki.org/Version+lifecycle for more information. For details of what to expect in Tiki 6, please see http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki6.
TikiFest Tampa: Introducing the Florida Tiki Users Group (and beyond!)
Planned events include a Tiki Boot Camp for new Tiki admins and discussions of more advanced topics such as Tiki Profiles and Workspaces. In addition to these technical topics, a social dinner event is also planned.
If you're a member of the Tiki Community or simply interested in wikis and content management systems, you're invited to participate. For more information, visit: http://tiki.org/TikiFestTampa.
Beyond Tampa: The Brazil Tiki Users Group
And in South America, the Brazilian community is forming a Tiki Users Group. The Brazilian community has long-been a substantial contributor to the Tiki Community, is planning a TikiFest, and has a dedicated support mailing list in Brazilian Portuguese. For more information, see http://tiki.org/BrazilTikiUserGroup.
Tiki Now Listed in Windows Web App Gallery
-Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware is now included in the Windows Web App Gallery and can be installed with the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. Inclusion in the gallery means that millions of Windows users now have easier access to Tiki. Tiki was downloaded over 300 times from the gallery in the first 2 days.
To install Tiki from the Windows Web App Gallery, visit Microsoft Web Platform installer.
Tiki Receives Best of Open Source Software Applications Award
-Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware has been awarded a 2010 Bossie award (Best of Open Source Software) by InfoWorld, in the Applications category. InfoWorld's Best of Open Source Software Awards (aka the Bossies) is chosen annually by Test Center editors and reviewers, and recognize the best open source software for business users.
The editors called Tiki "a powerful, integrated, Web-based application" that can "build and maintain websites, wikis, groupware, CMSes, forums, blogs, and bug trackers, as well as make them multilingual."
The review continues, citing Tiki's "fine-grained role-based privilege system" as a differentiating factor against classic wiki models, such as MediaWiki. Read the full article on InfoWorld.com.
Alternatively you can read this article in German language (including the original slide show).
And don't forget to nominate Tiki for the Packt 2010 Open Source Awards!
TikiFest New York: Countdown to Tiki 6
The TikiFest, a long-standing tradition of the Tiki Community, is a chance for community members (who do not normally meet) to get together, socialize, and further the development of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. More than 40 of these "code sprints" have been held throughout the world.
In addition to preparing for the upcoming Tiki 6 release, TikiFest New York will also planning for Tiki 7, celebrating Tiki's 8th birthday, and an open demonstration hosted by Casa Frela Gallery (details below).
BigBlueButton and Multilingual Improvements Emerge from TikiFest Ottawa
-At the most recent TikiFest in Ottawa, Canada, several Tiki Community members met to socialize and contribute their talents to the future of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. For four days (August 15 - 18), the attendees (including several remote participants) discussed, planned, and coded many features and enhancements planned for Tiki 6.
The TikiFest ended with a wine-and-cheese social at the Code Factory in Ottawa, hosted by Citadel Rock, Blindside Networks, Pondstone Communications, and AvanTech.net, all of whom are active participants in the Tiki and BigBlueButton communities.
The cornerstone of the TikiFest was to improve the integration between Tiki and BigBlueButton that was first introduced in Tiki 5. Additionally, a full day of the event was reserved for various internationalization (i18n) topics, including:
- Establishing a collaborative multilingual glossary
- Creating a translation server
- Making it easier for the Tiki Community to contribute translations
See http://tiki.org/TikiFestBigBlueButton to review all items from this event (including pictures and video from the event).
Several TikiFests are planned for the upcoming months in Montréal, New York City, and Berlin. See the Tiki Community calendar at http://tiki.org for details.
For information on Tiki 6, the next generation of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware (planned for October 2010), see http://dev.tiki.org/tiki6.
Calling All Translators!
-Looking for an easy way to contribute to the Tiki Community? Why not to help translate Tiki into your native language?
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware already ships with full multilingual support, including translations for more than 35 languages. However, some of these translations are incomplete. This is where you can help! With Tiki's interactive translation feature, updating and improving translation strings is quick and easy.
All interested Tiki Community members are invited to help maintain and update the translations. With an active development cycle and lots of new features planned for Tiki 6, there is plenty of work to do.
For information on the status of Tiki translations, see http://tikiwiki.org/i18n+status . For information on using the Tiki Interactive Translation feature, see http://doc.tikiwiki.org/interactive+translation.
Nominate Tiki for the Packt 2010 Open Source Awards
- ( Reads) -
By nominating Tiki, you'll also be automatically entered into a prize draw for an Amazon Kindle from Packt Publishing. Nominations end September 17.
See http://www.packtpub.com/open-source-awards-home for more information.
You're Invited to the TikiFest / BigBlueButton Wine and Cheese Event
- ( Reads) -Did you know that two very exciting Open Source software products for web conferencing, online social collaboration/media have strong roots in Ottawa? On Wednesday August 18th at 6PM, web development companies, systems integrators, designers, developers and open source enthusiasts will be gathering at The Code Factory in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada for a wine and cheese networking event.
You are invited to come learn how Tiki and BigBlueButton are leading the way in the online world of Collaboration and Communication and meet some of the developers and companies that work with these great products.