Security update: Tiki 15.2, Tiki 14.4 and Tiki 12.9 released!

luciash d' being -

The Tiki Community has released updates to all current versions of Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware. This update addresses a critical vulnerability found in third-party code that is included with Tiki. The update also includes many fixes and updates.

Special thanks to Mehmet Dursun İNCE of and to Robert Abela of for their cooperation and assistance in reporting the security issues.

We highly encourage all Tiki administrators to update their sites to the latest Tiki versions: Tiki 15.2, Tiki 14.4, and Tiki 12.9 LTS.

Visit to update the latest version.

Tiki 15.1 and multiple version updates released, Tiki 14 reaches End of Life

gezza -

The Tiki community is pleased to announce Tiki 15.1, the latest stable LTS Tiki version featuring numerous fixes.

To download the current stable Tiki, see

Version updates have been released for previous Tiki versions too, including Tiki 12.8 and Tiki 14.3. These versions include critical security fixes (*) so Tiki users are recommended to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

Roundtable this Thursday 19 May 2016

Bernard Sfez -

This month of May our monthly meeting, our Roundtable discussion, is on Thursday, 19 May 2016. Our Roundtable meetings are cordial and fun, and besides, you will learn and be at the heart of Tiki’s team action.

What time, do you ask ? 😊
We had a usual 1800 (6 p.m.) (UTC) meeting but it turned out to be a bit difficult for some of our members as the Tiki team is worldwide with members found in every time zone. We discussed the matter and initiated a time rotation to help widen participation and to encourage people to join us all around the clock. The time was set by a vote of the people!

Our Roundtable meeting will be, then, on Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 13:00 (UTC).

We will continue with this time adjustment if the experience is a success.

This month we have a very interesting second hour around "Branding and Marketing" for Tiki.
Please have a look at
New propositions for graphic communication are attached to the page!

Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware 15 is beta !

Bernard Sfez -

Tiki's next LTS (Long Term Service) generation is almost final and is coming out with an excellent report of almost none regression nor problem regarding the dozens of new features and options. With 194 commits between alpha and beta the team successfully nailed all the blockers and improved several key features within Tiki.

More information about the changes and the new stuff is available at Doc.Tiki
Tiki 15 Beta is available at SourceForge.
If you catch a bug during your install and test, please report at Dev.Tiki.

Alpha Version of Tiki 15 Now Available

Nelson Ko -

The Tiki Community wishes to announce that the Alpha version of Tiki 15 is now available. This is an important milestone towards the release of Tiki 15 LTS (which is much better than previous LTS version Tiki 12) and we are looking for as much as possible support from the community to help in testing and reporting which is a critical part of the process. Thanks to our coders' hard work Tiki15 Alpha is already close to a stable release but we need Tiki users to test and upgrade real website data (on a duplicate test site and database of course, at this point) so we can can have as good a release as possible.

Please grab your copy at : or from the 15.x via SVN if that's what you've been using.

Report at :

Follow the process at :

After-FOSDEM TikiFest 2016

Jan Bambach -

FOSDEM may be over, but this doesn't stop the attendees among our community from being productive. If anything, because of the TikiFest that followed immediately, the opposite was the case; two days of hacking led to a huge amount of items to be struck off the to-do list.


Release of Tiki version 12.6 LTS

Nelson -

The Tiki Community wishes to announce the release of Tiki version 12.6 LTS, a minor upgrade from the version 12.5 LTS released recently. This version fixes a problem where Tiki Profiles were not installing, and includes a couple of other refinements. The Tiki Profiles installation issue did not affect other versions.

Downloads are available at: