Tiki Fest Fosdem 2020


FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate.

It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world.»
Jyhem has attended for 7 years in a row and confirms that it's huge, it's chaotic, it's fun, and well worth attending.

Most of everything is in English.

“Group photo after FOSDEM 2020 mini TikiFest (with hats)”
“Group photo after FOSDEM 2020 mini TikiFest (with hats)”
“Group photo after FOSDEM 2020 mini TikiFest”
“Group photo after FOSDEM 2020 mini TikiFest”


In Brussels:

  • FOSDEM 2020 at 1 February (from 9:30 to 19:00) & 2 February (from 9:00 to 18:00)
  • TikiFest before (January 29-30-31st)


FOSDEM will take place at the ULB Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium, Europe, Earth.


Hopefully, we find a place for a TikiHouse as usual.
"TikiHouse" will be at the J-M+Jonny's place?


... would we want to be there?

It's fun, there are plenty of talks about Libre/Open-Source topics, there are a lot of interesting people to meet who are active or interested in Libre/Open-Source topics, it's an occasion of getting the word out about Tiki and adopt good ideas from other projects 😉
Plus, we could take advantage of being together for renting a TikiHouse and having a TikiFest.


... are our options?

  • We should submit talks which showcase the power of Tiki for the « Collaborative information and content management applications Devroom ». That gets Tiki and the speaker visbility during Fosdem and also forever after: the talk slides and video stay online on Fosdem's site.

The Call for Participation is here: https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Events/Fosdem2020/DevRoom/CFP/

Important dates

  • December 9th 2019: deadline for submission of proposals
  • December 15th 2019 or before: announcement of final schedule
  • February 1st 2020, in the morning: devroom day

Who does what

  • Jyhem volunteers for keeping in touch with other projects and following up on any submissions we may want to do about a stand or anything at Fosdem. I did it before and I know that's enough occupation for me.

  • Torsten brings the Tiki display (banner) and if necessary a projector (no tv/computer screen this time, as travelling by bus) -> does a projector make sense to use at a stand/booth, if we will have one?
    • we will have no booth/stand this year

Who & when

People confirmed

Who Arrival Departure Comments
Jean-Marc Libs Tuesday, 28th Monday, 3rd Studio-hotel room rented with Jonny
jonny B Tuesday, 28th (16:00 Brussels-Midi/Zuid) Monday, 3rd (19:00 Brussels-Midi/Zuid) Eurostar Studio-hotel room rented with Jyhem
Almost definitely Torsten before 1st after 2nd Flixbus
luciash d' being 🧙 Friday, 31st Monday, 3rd by Flixbus, rented room via AirBnB
add yourself by writing your username one line above

People interested


As discussed during Roundtable Meeting 2019 09. It would be great to spend more days together before Fosdem. Please update the above attendance table so we can plan suitable accommodation and travel plans.

Suggested TikiFest topics

  • Prepare trunk for branching, update vendor libs, fix bugs, finish new features... Any news update here? Thanks guys! Nice! lots of commits!
  • Share examples of elaborate Tracker usage. Discuss best practices for common use cases.
  • How could the tiki-check page design be improved while keeping in mind the page is both a useful standalone tool and some people's first sight of Tiki.
  • Improvement of documentation and marketing
  • How to recruit and train new consultants (for example for the German language market)
  • Learn from other projects' strengths and weaknesses, for ex. Wordpress and Nextcloud (referring to the end product)

Related event

Our friends at Xwiki have submitted a joint application for a devroom named « Collaboration Devroom ». https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Events/Fosdem2020/DevRoom/CFP/
Description: Power, today, comes from sharing information, not withholding it. (Keith Ferrazzi). Inspired by this, the XWiki community along with several other Open Source projects would like to organize a developer room to explore the theme of "Collaboration Software and Collaborative Uses of Open Source Software”, at FOSDEM 2020.

This means we should submit talks on the following topics!https://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Events/Fosdem2020/DevRoom/CFP/

  • New projects presentation
  • Self-hosted platforms
  • Secure collaboration
  • Collaborative applications
  • Connectors & Integrations
  • Knowledge management techniques
  • Protocols for collaboration

Jean-Marc Libs has submitted a talk :
« More than one tool for collaborating on writing the Tiki CMS »
This talk reviews the many collaboration tools used by the Tiki community for writing knowledge management and collaboration software